Musings of My Artizen Awakenings

Living the Raia’s Boho Mojo Arti-zen Way of life ignites my awakening spirit whispers. As a truth seeker and truth speaker, I am on a continual hunt for knowledge as a lifelong learner and student of life.   If you honestly believe in ‘Free Will’ then you understand that nothing that happens to you is by chance. In fact, there is no such thing as chance; chance is an invention of the ego. By focusing on your personal gifts and the things you enjoy most, you can move forward with more purpose.

I witness many spiritual things which areas you would say unexplainable to most. This kind of shook me and reaffirmed I am on the right path. I'm trying hard to work on myself first, reprogramming my negativity and realizing the purpose of such, but admittedly I am human and have moments where I get lost in the "ego".

The ego is constantly trying to program us with the idea that we have no control. Chose to believe the ego no longer. Everything you experience is seen through the eyes of growth can lead you to a higher level of consciousness, and this is a gift you are offering yourself and those around you. 

After taking a variety of quizzes, they indicate that I have a personality aspect of an investigative personality with a social side who thrives in enterprising environments.


Predominantly investigative people tend to solve problems by gathering information and by relying on objective data, careful analysis, and thinking. Enterprising people know how to get people and companies moving. They take control and are not afraid to claim the money or the status that comes with it. Confident and energetic, they can be extremely persuasive in pursuit of their goals. 

Those with these attributes are good salespeople and managers, but their determination also helps them outside the business world. Add some Artistic flair and you'll find actors, broadcasters and even flight attendants.

Who They Are; The ones sitting in the captain's seat: Artistic,  individualistic, critical thinkers, lawyers, sales reps, business owners, managers, and other leaders.

Values and  Beliefs;  Holding a strong belief in taking responsibility and aren't afraid to pursue their passions with conviction, dedication, and determination. Never give up or in! 

How did I get these results?

The variety of tests I took to reveal the top five gifts and rankings indicate a particular calling. These indications may assist in re-imagining. reinventing and manifesting life goals.  

Investigative people are observers, thinkers, and questioners. Whether learning from others or discovering on their own, they're driven by curiosity about the world around them. 

Who are among them? Investigative people are observers, thinkers, and questioners. Whether learning from others or discovering on their own, they're driven by a curiosity about the world around them. That's why you'll frequently find enterprising, investigative artisans in places like labs, legal and medical offices. But you might also find them in surprising places.

Therapists, clergy members, teachers, social workers and other people working to repair and improve lives. Scientists, scholars, artists, doctors, technicians, computer wizards and other people who enjoy learning and solving problems. Investigative personalities thrive on learning and discovering new information. They're logical and analytical to the point of being skeptical.

What We  Need to Thrive: 

They like to get things done, which is why they will sometimes avoid intellectual, scientific and other abstract topics, work hard and expect others to apply themselves to tasks at hand. Others see them as the center of activity, energetic, gregarious and undeniably in charge. Books, magazines, or computer equipment and frequent intellectual challenges.

What to Avoid: 

They avoid working Working with technical tools or mechanical devices. Social types prefer to work with people, not things. Their concern for others is clear; people typically see them as friendly and caring.nvestigative personalities prefer looking inward to pushing outward. 

They tend to avoid sales activities or anything that involves pointless polarizing positions. Working with technical tools or mechanical devices. Social types prefer to work with people, not things.
Investigative personalities prefer looking inward to pushing outward. They tend to avoid sales activities or anything that involves persuasion.

Perception of others:  

They can come across as distant and overly intellectual. The verbal skills are highly developed, some may struggle socially. It can sometimes seem that they're better at dealing with data than with people. Their verbal skills are highly developed, and their empathy leads to discomfort during divisive, superficial settings. Their concern for others is clear, people typically see them as friendly and caring.


Outgoing and patient, these healers and mentors can't help but reach out to the people around them, listening, hand-holding and improving the lives they touch. Their chief concern is the welfare of others. There is an emphasis on, humanitarianism, empathy, consensus building, unity, oneness over otherness and "isms"  and anything else that improves lives. Enterprising people like control of the people and situations around them, and they expect the material rewards that come with taking initiative. 

Creative self-expression:  

They are innovative, original thinkers. Through teaching, counseling, providing insights and delivering advice, change-making communications. They express themselves through debate, persuasion, and giving direction to the people around them, creative self-expression, original, critical thinkers. Connections to people, and workplaces that reward them for the help they provide. Books, magazines, creative challenges and self-expression,  or computer equipment with frequent intellectual and creative challenges. 

 Investigative personalities thrive on learning and discovering new information. They're logical and analytical to the point of being skeptical. Connections to people, and workplaces that reward them for the help they provide. They express themselves through teaching, counseling, providing insights and delivering advice. Outgoing and patient, these healers and mentors can't help but reach out to the people around them, listening, hand-holding and improving the lives they touch. Therapists, clergy members, teachers, social workers and other people working to repair and improve lives. Their chief concern is the welfare of others. They value empathy, humanitarianism and anything else that improves lives. 

What They Avoid: 

Practice offering gratitude instead of judgment for the present moment and a greater sense of peace and joy will not only fill your day but also your life.
This thought came to me out of the blue about 2 or 3 years ago "one of the most powerful gifts you are given on this earth is the power of free will. It's rather odd at times when you realize and become witness to your absolute truth and connectedness to others.

Find your calling: Activity complete! Here are your results.
Find your calling
By focusing on your personal gifts, and the things you most enjoy, you can move forward with more purpose. This activity helps you sort your preferences and helps you focus. You've discovered what you're great at.

My Calling Cards suggest I'm an Investigative personality with a Social side who could also thrive in an Enterprising environment.
Predominantly Investigative people tend to solve problems by gathering information and by relying on objective data, careful analysis, and thinking.

This is a good day. You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing, which you think you cannot do--Eleanor Roosevelt.

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