My Writing Life

Writing and Doing What You Love

I love to write and the writer's life involves
Write, write,
Then re-write, re-write
Then edit, edit, edit
And do it one more time...
Then bless and release it.
I have a sign over my desk that says:
It only work,  whenever  you don't like it,

When David and I co-create websites, blogs and promotional material the truth in this meme hits home.  I rough draft content, then edit and rewrite it and again. Then I edited a few times and did it again.

After sending the site out for preview viewing a couple of caring friends took the content and edited and edited and edited some more. Finally, the website and content reach a point where there is a general consensus and each website  ready to launch.

Now the daunting process of editing the 35 chapters, the 500-page manuscript is having a final proof using Grammarly software and we expect to be on the home stretch for a Fall 2020 publication and release. David has been and always is my greatest encourager and champion for the release of my life story of hope and healing. I would not be able to keep on keeping on without his support and attending to the technical support, updated computer systems, and smartphones. He co-designs every website, creates and readies them for launch and maintenance and I am grateful.

 Working through the final proofs and editing is a mix of relief and anticipation that the end of the long write, and re-write process on this labor of love for the release of my life story.

The title says it all...I've Been There...Testimony of Hope. The other friend is interested in doing some editing on the workbooks. So as the writer I am doing what I love!

My suggestion to other writers is always to keep writing whether you are writing to be paid or for the sheer love of it. In my view, writers write because they "have to" as a soul yearning of self-expression.

I feel fortunate to be in a position to be paid for what I love to do anyway. David and I started this group so we could share our writing experiences and goals. Seeing our words in a print or on a page and having someone acknowledge our musings is a thrill to most writers I know.

There is an innate inner drive that comes up with ideas that need to find their way in some outward form of expression but it stories, articles, poetry, journaling or writing letters or e-mails.

Even after being a paid freelance writer for over 20 years each time my work shows up in print I am as thrilled as the first time. When I go over the large binder full of previously published articles I am thankful to be paid to do what I love.

It is for that reason I will be happy to answer any questions members have about how to further their writing goals if I can. For starters I would be interested in knowing some of the following if you are up for sharing:

Where do you get your inspiration?
What types of things do you like to write about?
Does your interest lie in fiction, non-fiction, scriptwriting, songwriting, real-life stories, humor, poetry or some other venue?
Do you prefer writing shorter pieces or are you working on a novel, memoir or true story manuscript with larger content?
Has your work been published anywhere and if not would you like it to be someday?
Do you write for enjoyment alone or have you thought about marketing it?
Where do you write... on your computer with a pen and paper anywhere or anytime?
Do you have any questions about getting your work published that I might be able to help you with?

If you do, feel free to contact me at

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