Our B☮H☮ ᙢ☮J☮(◕‿◕) Lifestyle

What is boho mojo living? 

After we were married in 1991, my husband and best friend David Malloy and I chose to become professional partners as well as personal. My given names are Raia and Coralie.   Raia is my second name, I prefer it shorter and resonates with who and where I am today.

We are partners in life and love and together, we co-create and co-direct Change Making Communications. It is the umbrella for all our other personal and professional ventures. Together, David and I  offer a variety of personal development courses on and offline, we are writers, motivational facilitators, and artisans.  I am a strong, wise warrior woman, writer, author, blogger, social media maven, earthling artisan, and visual storyteller.

David is a computer software specialist, communicator, motivator, photographer, who enjoys working with wood, doing DIY projects in our home and gardens.  David and I are at an age where we do not "have" to work and are into the "what's next" phase. In our view, it is only "work" when one does not like what they do.  Loving what we do,  David and I continue to offer whole person facilitation in the dynamic living field for anyone expressing an interest in growth through awareness and self-accountable choice making.

From my earliest recollections, whenever adults asked what I want to be and do with my life, the response was always, "I want enough time, money and freedom to  create things and help people." According to my parents, they had trouble with that, it was too abstract and not a true goal.

As it was then, it is now, it is the life we happily lead. It is how we live,  what David and I  do whether there is an exchange of money or an exchange of energy.  We are happily childfree with our pet family.  One cat and three dogs in 2020, and they are our fur-baby pet kids.

Our way of life is that of earth care earthlings. As junkers and thrift store advocates, we re-purpose and re-use items and turn them into designs for home and yard, garden with pollinators and eco-friendly ways.

Our Celtic roots support our spiritual path as followers of the old ways, living a simple life in a small rural community in south-central Manitoba.

We both enjoy sharing a variety of interests. Among them, hiking, photography, gardening, landscaping, interior decorating, working with wood,  digital storytelling, blogs, social media on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and others.

Personal preferences in music and film include these and much more.

Favorite Films What Dreams May Come, Wonder Woman, Guardians of the Galaxy, What the Bleep Do We Know Anyway, The Martian, Dragon Heart. Patch Adams, Life As a House, Thor,

Favorite Music: Lorine McKinnit. Sarah McLaughlin, Clannad, Enigma, Enya, Celtic Woman, Celine Dion, Hemi-sync brainwave, Solitudes, Vangelis, Mike Oldfield, Jean Michel Jarre,

Favorite Books You Can Heal Your Live, Buddhism, Spiritual development, metaphysics, manifestation, healing, wholeness, essential oils, aromatherapy.

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