Nature Spirit Designs~Sold

Creating art from foraged finds in the natural world goes way back from childhood when I was free to wander through the woods along the Seine River in St. Boniface, Manitoba and wild and wonder-filled weekends at my Godparents camp at Lake Laclu in Ontario.

Thankfully, my parents fostered a love and respect for everything in the natural world in an explanation about the law of predation in the animal kingdom. Within the understanding of predation in youth gave me an abiding respect for the reality that the one certainty in life is change. Somethings die for others to live, nature recycles and reuses within the elemental cycles of death, rebirth, and renewal.

Carrying that forward I am grateful hubby  David Malloy is also a nature lover. Together, we gather earth treasures along our discovery trails. What we find is then  repurposed into Artizan Raia's Nature Spirit Designs. We strive to leave a light footprint whenever we are amidst the wonder-filled joys in all of creation. Taking one thing from along the paths, we leave a gratitude offering back. Sage, sweetgrass, tobacco, something for wildlife, it honors the gifts we discover and shows our appreciation and mindful respect.

These Nature  Spirit Designs have been featured at s kiosks with the Pembina Hills Art Council Winkler, Manitoba.and donated for auctions at a local community service organization,   Each design is a one of a kind creation, always with a mix of magic and mundane. Supporters of my work enjoy having these original pieces of nature in their home for the unique aspects and the energy within them. 

                                               Nature  Art of Wood Nature Spirit Designs 
Retail: $39.99 Handling & Shipping Added

Art of wood creations come riversides, beaches, woodlands, during hikes and walks in south-central Manitoba and Ontario. Whenever David and I forage in each experiences continues to fill us with wonderment at what we discover, and the process continues with the refining process of whittling, sanding, wood-burning, then adding a light preservative.

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